My Journey Begins

Bus Stop
Bus Stop © Garry Knight 2018

The above photo, Bus Stop, was one I took early in my mono photography journey. As I passed Liverpool Street Station in London, I glanced across the road and saw a woman at the bus stop raise her arm to stop a bus. As I framed the shot I found myself wondering whether monochrome photography would be a doddle or not…

You can view this photo in different sizes here on Flickr.

Hi, and welcome to my new blog in which I’ll be charting my journey with monochrome photography. In the past, I had a problem with mono photography and the reasons might interest you, as might the steps I took on the way to creating some photos which I love and on which I’ve had good feedback. It seems that some other people love them, too.

You’ll get to see the best of my photos and I’ll tell you something about the stories behind them, the way they were taken and processed, and my thoughts about them. And I hope that you’ll not only join me for the journey but also join in by telling me what you think.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

― Lao Tzu